Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wandering Thoughts

Brain's not working right. I've barely written anything this past week. At least I have this to keep me accountable. Have to realize that I'm doing something wrong before I can start fixing it. College sure doesn't teach you anything about overcoming with malaise or ennui, besides teaching us what those words mean. If I was younger, stupider, and still had a YouTube channel I'd threaten to wax my legs on camera if I didn't finish my rough draft, but now I'm older, boring-er, and more reclusive than ever.

On the bright side, I've been listening to His Majesty's Dragon at work. I had it recommended to me by an associate at the Ozark Creative Writers Conference last year, and I've loved it so far. It does a good job portraying the time period while also injecting some interesting high fantasy in an organic manner.

I have no idea how to write conclusions on these. Do I sign it like a letter? Do I rattle of a catchphrase like a YouTube video? Fade out and then THE END like a script? Do you pronounce it "the end" with an 'e' or "the end" with a 'u'. Either way, it sounds funny, let's do that.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Place To Write

Writing in the same place twice is surprisingly difficult. I have these bursts of writing in one place, and then when I go there again the writing doesn't happen. Desk at home? Bang out my entire first and second chapter in a night. Try it again? Nothing. There's this certain barrier in writing that I have to jump in order to actually do the writing. Once I get there things just happen, but there never seems to be a reliable method for getting there.

Lately, I've found that sleep deprivation seems to turn off my barriers and inner critic. Since I don't drink out of principle as Ernest Hemmingway would suggest, it seems to be the best option I have at breaking through the conscious brain's barriers. Once it's 4 in the morning and I no longer have conscious thought words just seem to flow better. Granted, there is an equal chance that I will waste that time on YouTube because, again, no conscious thought. Also granted, there will be a bunch of misspellings because I turned off spellcheck because I get tired of seeing all my proper nouns and fantasy words getting red lines under them, but that is a much smaller problem.

I have a contact that I used to shared chapters with, but it's been about two months since I've sent her anything. I think not having an outside observer for my roughest drafts might help me go faster. It's all just a matter of making myself stupid enough to not criticize every keystroke and just write until I have a garbage first draft that can be made a little better in the second draft and so on and so forth.

Challenging myself: April 1st, new deadline. If I don't have a rough hewn book by that day to send to my contact, then I will truly be the April Fool.

Here goes!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Short Story: The Phantom Woodsman

    Ma glowered at the pile of firewood, the morning light reflected in her one good eye. I was at her side, holding her skirt, and happy as could be for our good fortune.
    "Now who went and did all this?"
    I looked at the wood. Same color as the trees at the edge of our field, but even in a strange place like the Horizön frontier trees don't just fall apart on your doorstep waiting to be burned. At least, I'd never heard of it happening in the year our family had been out here.
    "First it was that deer lying dead on our door step last summer with hardly a mark to prove it dead. Then it was all our potatoes harvested and set in baskets by first light. And now some darn firewood as winter's right around the corner? What blessing has the sun been givin' us?"
    "Maybe one of the men from town?" I suggested, "Trying to be neighborly and all."
    "Nah. Ain't one of them gonna come out this far for an ugly ol' widow like me. Still afraid of being gutted by orcs, those pissants."
    "Orcs? Like the ones who took Pa?"
    Ma nodded.
    "The bad men. The ugly men. Uglier 'n me. That's orcs."
    "You ain't ugly, Mama." This was not the first time I had said this, but Ma never seemed to remember.
    "Orcs made me ugly," Ma said, pointing to her eyepatch, "And I got a faceful o' buckshot for any orc who tries to make you ugly, y'hear?"

    Ma went into town to sell some of our potatoes, while I had to stay home and take care of baby Clint. When Ma came back and got the mule back in the shed, we worked together all afternoon to fallow our field. At dinner, Ma had me practice letters with an old issue of the Republic Report. I can read it well enough, but those five dollar words like 'serendipitous' still snag on my tongue. I figured serendipitous means good, 'cause the headline read "discovery of elven shrine proves serendipitous to delvers". So why don't they just say "good"? Serendipitous is just silly.
    "The sun's starting to set," Ma said, lighting the lantern, "I reckon I'll go check the fence. Make sure no wolves can slip in while we sleep."
    Crying came from the bedroom. Ma sighed.
    "Looks like I gotta see to Clint first."
    "I can check the fence," I said, "I'm old enough."
    "12 years old is not old enough, Lizzy."
    "Please, Ma," I said, "You leave me alone when you go into town. Surely this won't be much harder."
    "Fine, fine. You're growing up quick enough, it's true. But you be in the cabin before dark. Now git!"
    Ma handed me the lantern and left to deal with baby Clint. I hurried out the door, the cool air piercing through my dress. The fence was secure save for one board that had fallen out. The board was just lying there in the dirt with the nails missing. Some mischief of Horizön, no doubt. I remembered going with Ma to the hardware store once, and the owner had told me about fairies that stole his tools and mixed up his stock, but never caused any real harm.
    I went to the tool shed to get a hammer. I found the hammer and a few old nails just fine. I decided to set the nail heads between my lips just like the men who built houses in town do. But just as I got the nails set, I heard a grinding sound from behind the shed. I looked back towards the cabin, a distant silhouette of logs. You could barely see the shed from this distance, so whoever was behind the shed was trying to avoid being seen by Ma. Maybe it was that fairy who stole the nails, trying to carve them into tiny fairy swords. I tiptoed out the door, and slid along the right wall, getting closer to the shed.
    I peeked around the corner, and behind the shed was the largest man I had ever seen. He was bigger than my older brother Samuel, who lived in the town as the blacksmith's apprentice but still came out to help us for harvest season. But the man behind the shed was just as big as the tool shed itself. He had grey skin, wooly brown hair, and wore only a loincloth. He held a hatchet, one that would have taken both of my hands to lift, but it looked like a toy in his hand. His hands were so large and grey they reminded me of pie tins. He scraped the head of the axe along a whetstone, grinding it into gleaming sharpness.
    I was too scared to scream, but my mouth tried to anyway. The nails dropped out of my mouth, and hit the dirt with a soft thunk. The huge man perked up and whirled about to face me. He dropped his axe and whetstone and stooped low. His face was strong but stiff like old wood, with scars crossing his face like wagon tracks. His beady eyes stared straight into my wide ones, his wide and grinning mouth framed by short tusks. My feet felt rooted to the ground, no matter how much I wanted to run home.
    "I am Zaul, little girl," the orc said, his voice rough and slow, "I mean no harm."
    The way he spoke words was clumsy and off-note, like I sounded when I was trying to say 'serendipitous'. It sounded like he hadn't done much speaking out loud for a long time. When I responded, my voice wasn't much better.
    "I-I, you, you're an orc!"
    "Yes," Zaul said, "But not... raider. No more. I am help."
    "Help?" I asked.
    "Several months. Deer. Harvest. Wood."
    I remembered back to those strange gifts, just appearing on the doorstep out of nowhere. I looked at Zaul. He was a strong man, certainly strong enough to harvest an entire field on his own. Strong enough to cut up a tree deep in the woods. Strong enough to kill a deer with his bare hands. I shuddered at the thought, my legs feeling numb.
    "But, why? Why here?"
    Zaul sat down, crossing his legs. My head was still tilted up as I stared at him in confusion.
    "Exile. I am not raider. Orc say I not true orc. I wander, lost, alone. Found place. Hid in stable, watched. Listened. I learn words. Ser-en-dip-it-ous?"
     I gave a little smile, my body relaxing. Somehow, I knew he was telling the truth. A man of his size wouldn't need to lie in order to kill me.
    "Why do you help us? You could just kill us, take the cabin. What could you want from us?"
    "Not raider. Not kill settlers."
    Zaul looked around, his eyes darting from place to place, as if searching for words in the song of cicadas and the swaying of tree branches.
    "I want... people again. Hunt, work, help. People to give to. This orc way. Chayst."
     He touched his hand to his chest, his eyes solemn. I was taken aback. He didn't come here for food or shelter, but for... people? I thought he was supposed to be a violent raider, burning and killing for sport. Was it men like this who killed Pa?
    "Lizzy!" Ma shouted from the cabin, "Where you at, girl!?"
    "I'll be right there, Ma," I shouted back, startled out of my thoughts, "Loose board on the fence! I'm taking care of it!"
    "Be quick, ya hear! It's getting dark and this eye's getting tired."
     I picked up the nails and hurried to the hole in the fence. I leveled the board and started hammering, but my hand was shaking. Lost in thought, I struck my thumb. I barely contained my curse. 
     Zaul looked at Ma in the distance, and then at me. He stayed low and slunk over to where I was working. It was like watching a boulder taking a stroll. He picked up one of the nails, set it against the wood, and pushed it in with his thumb. He repeated this with the other nails, grinning all the while.
     "By the sun, Zaul! Doesn't that hurt?"
    "Nails not hurt."
    "Are the other orcs that strong?"
     "Yes and no. Other orcs more small. More anger instead. Still strong. Some stronger."
     Zaul put one hand at the height of his shoulder, indicating the height of other orcs. That would hardly be small, but a horde of men only a little smaller than Zaul and angry enough to kill? I could see why Ma was scared of them. 
     "You should get away now," I said, "Hide in the woods. Ma won't wait much longer for-"
    The cocking of a shotgun stopped our conversation. Ma was standing there, not twenty feet away, her double-barreled shotgun pointed straight at Zaul, looking down the sights with her one good eye. I stepped in front of Zaul, my lantern in front of me to help Ma see me. I mostly covered Zaul's legs, but the sight alone got the message to Ma. She didn't lower her shotgun, but through in the dim reaches of the lantern light I could see her eye focused on the ground as she stepped closer to us.
    "Lizzy. Step away from that orc. That's one of the bad men."
    "No he's not, Ma! He helped us. The harvest, the deer, the wood. That was all him!"
    Ma stepped closer still, her eye back on Zaul. There was no anger, not in her voice, nor in her eye, nor in her callused hands. But somehow that one eye gave a message, loud and clear, to Zaul. I wasn't receiving the message, but I read enough to understand it said "I could shoot you in the belly and smile as you bleed to death". Zaul saw the message too, and even though he was big enough to kill Ma with a strong slap, I could feel his legs shaking behind me.
    Zaul raised his pie-tin hands up, took a steadying breath, and stepped forward. When he spoke again his voice was smoother, more controlled than how he spoke with me. It sounded like he had practiced what he was saying for at least a month. The shotgun was barely a foot from his chest. Ma's finger rested on the trigger, ready to pull.
    "Elizabeth Cutter. My people have hurt you. I attempted compensation. I accept your judgement."
    Zaul bows his head, resting his forehead against the barrels of Ma's shotgun.
    "He didn't do anything wrong, Ma," I said, "Please."
    Ma's one eye looked at me, and then looked at Zaul. I couldn't tell what message that eye was telling now. I closed my eyes, and counted the moments until Ma made her decision.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Guide to Horizön: Dwarves

In the land of Horizön, there were many factions of dwarves, each following the rule of a different dwarven dynasty with very different cultures and lifestyles. These include the Lagar dwarves, jolly pilots of river-boats; the Jocus dwarves, the shepherds of the mountains; and the Mazun dwarves, the great craftsmen below the earth. Since the Mazun dwarves are the ones who made first contact with humanity, they are the ones the people of the Republic know the most about, and the ones I'll be discussing today.

If you were searching for a Mazun dwarf, you would look for a figure with a short and stocky build, a large and colorful hood, and a great beard of coarse hair. All Mazun dwarves wear hoods when traveling under the sun, for the sunlight causes great pain when taken in too quickly. Dwarves who have performed great feats of heroism or craftsmanship are given the title ada-mao, and wear a tassel in their hood to signify a position of respect and authority over the dwarves.

The Mazun dwarves are called children of fire and stone, with fireproof skin tough enough to withstand great bludgeoning and muscles so dense they can crack rocks with their bare hands. Their fire also manifests metaphorically in their great passions and short tempers; dwarves can fixate on a subject and spend their entire life on it, whether it's philosophy, goldsmithing, or boxing, which is the chief sport of the dwarves.

There are no female dwarves. When a dwarf desires a child, they carve a figure from stone - a masterful work that is always done alone and can take years or decades to complete - and immerse it in the River of Fire deep below the earth. The dwarf baby emerges from the river and reaches full physical development within ten years, but can live much longer. There are old dwarves who still remember the uprisings from Year of Bloodshed.

But most of all, the Republic knows the Mazun dwarves for their love of metals. They dig deep underground to claim metals for the crafting of wonderful things. The dwarves have a sixth sense called bonefeel, which allows them to appraise metals just by holding them. But nothing exemplifies their talents better than the Republic railroads, which reach under the Shield Mountains into Horizön itself.

After entering the Star Territory, the Mazun dwarves had a negative reception, with many humans dismissing their claims about dragons as some elaborate ruse. As an act of good will, the dwarven ada-mao negotiated the Mazun Service Act, wherein a quota of dwarven craftsmen would work on the railroads for the next five years in exchange for the hospitable treatment of the Mazun people. These craftsmen were the finest workers the humans had ever seen, able to do the a week's worth of human labor in a day. Their great works helped them curry favor and convince the humans to listen to them and to prepare against the dragons.


I almost missed my deadline with this one! Next week, I'll be taking a day off from from my worldbuilding articles to post a short story set in the world of Horizön. This will not involve any main characters from A Reckoning of Dragons, but it will involve a homestead mystery concerning the fate of a broken family on the dangerous frontier. The Phantom Woodsman will be posted next Wednesday. Let me know in the comments if there are any more details you'd like to hear about the dwarves.