Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Place To Write

Writing in the same place twice is surprisingly difficult. I have these bursts of writing in one place, and then when I go there again the writing doesn't happen. Desk at home? Bang out my entire first and second chapter in a night. Try it again? Nothing. There's this certain barrier in writing that I have to jump in order to actually do the writing. Once I get there things just happen, but there never seems to be a reliable method for getting there.

Lately, I've found that sleep deprivation seems to turn off my barriers and inner critic. Since I don't drink out of principle as Ernest Hemmingway would suggest, it seems to be the best option I have at breaking through the conscious brain's barriers. Once it's 4 in the morning and I no longer have conscious thought words just seem to flow better. Granted, there is an equal chance that I will waste that time on YouTube because, again, no conscious thought. Also granted, there will be a bunch of misspellings because I turned off spellcheck because I get tired of seeing all my proper nouns and fantasy words getting red lines under them, but that is a much smaller problem.

I have a contact that I used to shared chapters with, but it's been about two months since I've sent her anything. I think not having an outside observer for my roughest drafts might help me go faster. It's all just a matter of making myself stupid enough to not criticize every keystroke and just write until I have a garbage first draft that can be made a little better in the second draft and so on and so forth.

Challenging myself: April 1st, new deadline. If I don't have a rough hewn book by that day to send to my contact, then I will truly be the April Fool.

Here goes!

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