Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wandering Thoughts

Brain's not working right. I've barely written anything this past week. At least I have this to keep me accountable. Have to realize that I'm doing something wrong before I can start fixing it. College sure doesn't teach you anything about overcoming with malaise or ennui, besides teaching us what those words mean. If I was younger, stupider, and still had a YouTube channel I'd threaten to wax my legs on camera if I didn't finish my rough draft, but now I'm older, boring-er, and more reclusive than ever.

On the bright side, I've been listening to His Majesty's Dragon at work. I had it recommended to me by an associate at the Ozark Creative Writers Conference last year, and I've loved it so far. It does a good job portraying the time period while also injecting some interesting high fantasy in an organic manner.

I have no idea how to write conclusions on these. Do I sign it like a letter? Do I rattle of a catchphrase like a YouTube video? Fade out and then THE END like a script? Do you pronounce it "the end" with an 'e' or "the end" with a 'u'. Either way, it sounds funny, let's do that.


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